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Mich 2001 + lucie nvg mount+ bollé x800


ztactical comtac II

Carinthia combat shirt flecktarn + DEU patch+ IFF patch

Sharrer KsK hose flecktarn

BHI cqb belt, BHI cqc holster +  BHI slot belt loop+ LHT dump pouch

Hatch solag gloves

Haix airpower p6 desert

Lindnerhof Taktik Plattenträger, abwerfbar gen IV

+ 2x SK4 sapi plates

+ peltor ptt

+ IR patch

+ Cyalume Chemlight

+ CAT tourniquet

+ TS prc 148

LHT g36 Doppelmagazintasche Gen.IV

LHT Pistolen 2er Magazintasche

LHT Trauma Kit (IFAK)

LHT Granatentasche modular Tan

LHT Wasserblasenträger 3l + Source

KHS Gerber mp 600 tasche

HK usp .45

G36KA1 + RAS + LLM-01+ HK Frontgrip+ EOTech 552+ MP7A1 Flip Ups+ HK cqb Sling

BW - KsK

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